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(rhymes with gazelle)
of note. The bad ones I ignore.
Samantha Hunt
“Maazel is a brilliant acrobat, leading a reader to unimagined sights with humor, wonder, and vibrant intelligence. Surefooted and powerful as DeLillo, Maazel lands it perfectly every time.”
“Fiona Maazel’s prose is delightfully quirky, insanely amusing and impossible to put down: Once again, she knocks it out of the park with a tale that pulls no punches and looks the borders of genre square in the eyes before tearing it all down.”
“Maazel has a real talent for taking these existential millstones of modern life—fear of death, failure, being alone, everything—and filtering them into morbidly funny, troublingly familiar forms.”
“Maazel is a master sentence-maker and has a black sense of humor that makes for an addictive reading experience.”
“Maazel writes with a kind of ecstatic swagger–freewheeling and cocksure, intelligent and loopy and funny as hell. . . . I relished every page.”
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